Complete the Triangle of Fire Safety with Life-Slide, the revolutionary portable fire evacuation device.


Life-Slide could save your family.

Because fire grows and spreads so quickly, the number one priority is to get out safely. Life-Slide® is a life saving device that provides a direct and safe escape route for those trapped in a house fire.

How does it work?

Demonstration Video

This video illustrates how Life-Slide works.

Click the video to unmute to hear an explanation of the process.

If you would like to have Life-Slide in your own home, please help us fund creating a prototype by supporting our fundraiser.

Support Our Fundraiser


  • Where can Life-Slide be used?

    Life-Slide® will extend long enough to work well with a structure up to 3 stories tall. This could be a home, school, or business.

  • Is it safe for children?

    Life-Slide was invented specifically with children in mind. The slide's sides are 14 inches high so no one will fall off. Send an older child or adult down the slide first to collect younger children.

  • How difficult is it to operate?

    Life-Slide only requires a few simple steps to operate. This can be done quickly, even by older  children.

  • Is Life-Slide reusable?

    Life-Slide can only be used once. We are working on plans to have a refill available if possible.

  • Where can I buy Life-Slide?

    We are currently raising funds to develop a prototype of Life-Slide. Please click the GoFundMe button to support our GoFundMe project! We rely on your support to make this revolutionary product available.

  • When will Life-Slide be available?

    We are currently raising funds to develop a prototype of Life-Slide. Please click the Join Team Life-Slide button to support our GoFundMe project! Manufacturing is estimated to begin in October 2021.

  • How much does Life-Slide cost?

    We are working to make Life-Slide as cost-effective as possible so all families can afford it. Please visit our GoFundMe page to help us get this livesaving product to market!

  • How does it inflate?

    It will contain an inflator with a gas generator the size of a standard soda can that will serve to contribute gas inflation volume to the slide without adding too much bulk. 

    When the propellant in the generator is ignited it will produce a highly compressed gas that when mixed with stored gas already in the canister, will inflate the slide.

  • What is it made of?

    Life-Slide will be fabricated from a flame retardant, tear resistant, antistatic, multi-fiber substrate of nylon, polyester, fiberglass, and Kevlar.

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